How to Shoe Shop With Your Wife

How to Shoe Shop With Your Wife

If you are a man and you've ever been "stuck" in shopping with your wife for shoes, you can either find yourself getting extremely impatient or find yourself irritating your wife to death. Or both. But did you know there is a way to actually shoe shop with your spouse efficiently, hassle-free and everyone leave happy? There is. I developed a method and it has my wife's stamp of approval!

Things You'll Need:


drop your "man pride"

love of your wife


Know the colors in your wife's closet. If your wife wears a lot of blue, the red shoes that she's been staring at most likely won't match. You know what she wears everyday. If you don't take time to find out. Rifle through those clothes. Does she have more blue than brown? Does she wear light-colored shirts? How about blue jeans? Having a general knowledge of what she has in her closet can help YOU help HER make decisions later on.


Carefully select and expand your vocabulary. If you are stuck there, she's going to ask your opinion. Since you've memorized step one, you may actually have a valid opinion! "Honey, what do you think about these yellow shoes?" You can actually answer "they might look nice, but they don't go with anything in your closet." If you answer "I don't know", she may be staring at those shoes for a while. But answering with knowledge can shave countless minutes of staring at shoes that may look cute but don't match anything she owns.


Learn economics. Now that you know the colors of her clothes and what shoes would generally match, you can better steer her to buying shoes that she could actually use more than once and not just once for that one outfit she wears every two years. For example, if there was one pair of $85 heels that would match one outfit she doesn't wear, but there were 3 pairs of shoes that would cost $75 total that could match countless outfits and give her more variety, then guess which is the better deal? But remember step 2 when you say it! Do not say "those three are cheaper "... say "you know, honey, you could do a lot more with those three pairs of shoes instead of just that one pair. But it's up to you; I want you to be happy."


Be prepared to throw step 3 out every once in awhile. Sometimes it's just going to be the red heels for $85. That's o.k.. sometimes. Just think of the $100 you spent on the basketball game that sucked, or the $59.95 on the fight that was over in two rounds. It happens. Do not panic. She'll remember your support.

Tips & Warnings

take pictures of outfits she's trying to match and bring them to the store. This will save time thinking about IF the shoes match or not

understand that light blue shoes don't always go with dark blue clothes just because "blue" is the common color.

You may, at times, feel a little less "manly" for knowing your woman's clothes. Suck it up! Every once in awhile you wish she'd cheer for your team and know why the play was good, don't you?